$ 19.98 $ 43.98

This is the only official website supplying Capsules/ Tablets to support the fallopian Tube Obstruction.

If, unfortunately, selling on Amazon is to be closed, this is the only substitute home page of Baicao Acu&Moxa Essence to continue the Capsules/ Tablets( Either or Both).

The formula was formed with the best knowledge that I have learned, combining the feedback of Amazon's customers.

The cold feature of Yi Mu Cao, Xi Xian Cao, was picked up as a weakness by some experts in Chinese Medicine; without surgery, we successfully cut and connected the blocked fallopian tube. This is an unblooded natural Chemical surgery and pharmacology based formula to remove the blood status of the womb and the blocked tubes. 

We do not intend to mention the function of the herbs.

We cite the essential feedback by cutting and pasting the Amazon pages


Yi Mu Cao is another traditional Chinese herb commonly used in Chinese medicine. Its botanical name is Leonurus artemisia. Here are some of the functions and uses of Yi Mu Cao in traditional Chinese medicine:

1. **Promoting Menstrual Health**: Yi Mu Cao is often used to support women's reproductive health, particularly in regulating menstrual cycles and addressing menstrual irregularities. It is believed to help promote blood circulation in the pelvic area and alleviate menstrual cramps.

2. **Supporting Postpartum Recovery**: In traditional Chinese medicine, Yi Mu Cao is commonly used to support postpartum recovery. It is believed to help tone the uterus, promote healing, and restore vitality after childbirth.

3. **Alleviating Menopausal Symptoms**: Yi Mu Cao is also used to help alleviate menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. It is believed to have a balancing effect on hormonal levels.

4. **Promoting Urinary Health**: This herb is sometimes used to support urinary health and address issues such as urinary tract infections (UTIs) and bladder discomfort. It is believed to have diuretic properties that can help promote urination and flush out toxins.

5. **Reducing Water Retention**: Yi Mu Cao is known for its ability to reduce water retention in the body. It is often used to help alleviate bloating, edema, and swelling by promoting the elimination of excess fluids.

6. **Supporting Cardiovascular Health**: Some traditional uses of Yi Mu Cao include supporting cardiovascular health. It is believed to help regulate blood pressure, improve circulation, and strengthen the heart.

7. **Anti-inflammatory Properties**: Yi Mu Cao is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body and alleviate related symptoms.

8. **Digestive Health**: In some cases, Yi Mu Cao is used to support digestive health and address issues such as indigestion, bloating, and abdominal discomfort.

As with any herbal remedy, it's important to consult with a qualified healthcare provider or herbalist before using Yi Mu Cao for medicinal purposes, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

Reviewed in the United States on March 14, 2022

46 people found this helpful.

Reviewed in the United States on January 4, 2024
16 people found this helpful

Reviewed in the United States on September 22, 2022
I am giving my sincere testimony: I have my first baby of 2 years 7 months- we wanted so much to give him a light brother and I got pregnant in September 2021 and I lost my pregnancy in December, I do not have any health condition, the doctors simply told me that it just happened and that's it! all 2022 we tried without success I took the famous Fertilaid- without success the pregnancy did not happen, I took the famous Myo & D-chiro Inositol and nothing did not make me pregnant when I was about to stop trying I looked for something for the flu and I took it with this wonder High potency Serrapatase 120,000 and Yi mu Cao & xi xian Cao: I have no words to express my gratitude to those who invented them, may God bless you greatly, I didn't even finish the jars and Boommm! pregnant, thank God first and then these pills, I also bought the One Day duo- with the purpose of dortalizing my husband's sperm, and he is such an aragan man to drink pills he only took about 4 pills in total and days skipped, is a disappointment when it comes to medicine hehehe! I did drink them to the letter, I drank them like this- Serrapatase 1 a day on an empty stomach in the morning; and the xi xia cao I drank the 4 pills 3 times a day for a total of 12 days and I drank them together with my last period I stopped drinking them right on my ovulation days and I'm pregnant tomorrow they tell me how many weeks I am: I hope this helps something for another girl do not lose faith in God first, and try these pills if I could give a thousand or more stars I would be delighted, I am very grateful
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109 people found this helpful.

Reviewed in the United States on March 16, 2023
I have been told that both of my fallopian tubes were blocked and my only option for motherhood was IVF. So I started doing some research on natural treatments and I came across these amazing treatment and I started doing this treatments for about a year now.

I took doctor's Best High Potency Serrappeptase 120,000 SPU, Dong Quai, Goldenseal Root, Baicao Essences Acu & Moro YI Mu Cao & Xi Xian Cao fallopian tubes famula caps, take vitaminC too.

I also did castor oil pack, yoni steam at home. And a friend told me to take about 3-5 dozens of Amoxicilline antibiotics caps 500 mg once a day and I feel like this was also a big help.

I made a blend mix of ginger, tumeric and orange, drink it hot 2-3 times daily.

And today my obgyn was happy to tell me that both of my fallopian are now OPEN, no more IVF options 🙏🏼🙏🏼😊

I hope this helps someone who's going through this stressful journey, and by the grace of God we will soon hold our precious/miracle baby soon..
Best of luck Queens! :) :) Have FAITH!
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118 people found this helpful.

Reviewed in the United States on March 16, 2023
Do take this if you are needing surgery. Unfortunately it was too late for me to start this my tubes are damaged after a etophic I was hoping to heal and save them but sometimes it’s irreversible damage that’s been done and using this could make symptoms worse. I used it for a day and could feel my belly doing something so I think if I was not beyond repair this product may work. Unfortunately for me it was too late. After my surgery if we are able to save a tube and with my doctor’s permission I may try this to keep my other tube healthy. I will come back to this review and revise. I know I was at a point I was desperate to heal and reading reviews helped me so much and I hope my review can help others. Having belly pain is no joke and I could barely function most days a year of trying holistic approaches did not work and surgery is scheduled. Sending much love and light to whoever reads this, and I hope your healing journey is much success.
29 people found this helpful.

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